Benefits of Pilates Practice

Practice of Pilates


The Pilates method, or simply Pilates, is a system of physical and mental training created at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Hubertus Pilates, who devised it based on his knowledge of different specialities such as gymnastics, traumatology and yoga; combining dynamism and muscular strength with mental control, breathing and relaxation.

In its beginnings it was called Contrology, by Pilates himself, because it emphasizes the use of the mind to control the body, but seeking balance and unity between both. The method focuses on the development of the internal muscles to maintain the body’s balance and give stability and firmness to the spine, so it is widely used as therapy in rehabilitation and to, for example, prevent and cure back pain. It is practiced all over the world and its popularity is increasing.

Pilates Fundamental Benefits
Pilates Fundamental Benefits


Fundamental principles

The Pilates method has been developed and has given rise to a large number of different styles and applications, there are some fundamental principles that must always be present:




– Alignment

– Centralization

– Concentration

– Control

– Accuracy

– Fluidity

– Breathing



Pilates demands intense concentration. Those who practice it must constantly concentrate on what they are doing. The exercises are fundamentally composed of controlled movements, very conscious, and coordinated with the breathing, in order to create a harmonious, coordinated, muscular and flexible body. Through practice, the mind becomes aware of the body’s capabilities, limitations, strengths and weaknesses in order to improve the physical and mental state. It is a very technical physical activity, where the correct execution of the different elements that make up each exercise is more important than the number of repetitions or series.



Joseph Pilates called his method “Contrology” because it is based on the idea of controlling muscles. The reason why those who practice it must concentrate so intensely is so that they can control every aspect of every movement of the body.


Core Exercises
Core Exercises

Power center

The control center- or energy center- located by Pilates in the lower part of the trunk, like a girdle that surrounds the whole lumbar and abdominal area. The strengthening of this center is the key to the whole method, which enables the body to move freely and in balance, avoiding harmful movements and compensations. All the movements are initiated and sustained from this area, which must always be used during the practice of the exercises.



Breathing plays a major role in the method. The results of the good practice are very significant: greater lung capacity and better blood circulation are the first goals pursued, to translate them into strength, flexibility, mental coordination and good posture.

Intercostal breathing is practiced. When inhaling, one should notice how the ribs separate. On exhalation, which usually coincides with the greatest intensity of the exercise, the pelvic floor is first contracted, pulling it towards the navel, then the navel is continued by sinking, which activates the transverse of the abdomen (which forms part of the “power house”) and finally the ribs are gently closed. Doing this in the reverse sequence increases the pressure on the pelvic floor. In Pilates breathing, you inhale through your nose with your mouth closed and exhale through your mouth half open slowly and with pressure with the “SSS” sound.

Breathing should always be slow, continuous and, during it, you should try to perform inhalations and exhalations of the same duration.


“In 10 sessions, 20 sessions, 30 sessions of Pilates, you feel better, you look better and you get a completely new body.”

(Joseph Pilates)